Created by Garry Kirby   Welcome to the newest GP2 offline Championship..............Sign up for the new season............Read the rules before you join

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Help needed

I require help with the championship. If you are interested then click here.


 Welcome to the new GP Championship. After reading alot of forums and seeing that people still wanted to play GP2 as an offline racing Championship, this site was made.

 With thanks to this site was possible. They helped to advertise and tell people, so alot of thanks go to them.

 Read the rules before you sign-up. But remember to compete you must be part of a team, so if you currently don't have a team you can set one up.

 We have a forum and chat room for the competitors and non-competitors to communicate. And please take a look at the poll as we would really like to know what you think about the site.


The league is expected to start August the 14th, or earlier or later depending on the amount of people taking part.